You must submit a refund request in writing to elitelacrosse1@gmail.com
A $300 refund will be issued for any cancellations made before June 1st, 2024.
Due to administrative fees a $200 refund will be issued for any cancellations made from June 1st to July 1st 2024.
After July 1st there is a no refund policy for any reason.
* If we are unable to run our event for any reason families will be credited the full amount
You must submit a refund request in writing to elitelacrosse1@gmail.com
Clinics, combines and one day events
There are no refunds for these events. If you are unable to attend please notify us at least three weeks prior to the event and we can provide a full credit to a future Elite event
* If we are unable to run our events for any reason families will be credited the full amount
You must submit a refund request in writing to elitelacrosse1@gmail.com
Elite Lacrosse has no control over the weather. All events are planned and will be conducted rain or shine. The only time an event will be cancelled is due to a field being shut down. There will not be any makeups due to a cancellation unless otherwise notified.